Valued Customer Jenny was in the process of moving into her new house. Finally after years of saving and working hard at her job to get promotions and bonuses she was able to afford the down payment for her own house. She would have liked to say it was her dream house but that would have been a lie. Not to say she wasn't very happy with it. It was a single family home with two bedrooms, in a good neighborhood, within walking distance of a small downtown. It had a nicely landscaped yard with deck. Tall hedges on all sides afforded privacy even though she was in town. The house included a basement with its own bathroom that, with a little work, could easily be converted to a guest room. It wasn't clear to her what the previous owner did in this room. The walls were painted dark colors and there were a number of wooden beams and posts in odd locations. Jenny wondered if they were needed for structural reasons but she wasn't a structural engineer so she had no way of knowing. They didn't seem to be arranged in any logical way and she made a mental note to get some expert advice before remodeling the basement. To add to the mystery, there were eye bolts positioned in various locations on the posts, ceiling beams and walls. Jenny was in the back bedroom unpacking boxes when the doorbell rang. It took her a minute to get out. She had been shuffling boxes and in the process blocked the door. By the time she got to the front door, there was no one there. She only caught a glimpse of the back of a FedEx van as it rounded the corner at the end of the street. On her door step was a large box. She wasn't expecting a delivery so she checked the address. It was correct, but it was intended for the previous owner. The packaging was plain with no return address or branding and Jenny didn't have a forwarding address. Unsure what to do, she picked it up and brought it inside. It was heavier than she expected, and it took a significant amount of effort to get the box into her house. She left it near the front door and went back to unpacking. A few hours later, she took a break to have some tea and saw the box by the front door partially blocking the hallway. While drinking her tea she decided to open the box and check the contents. Maybe she would find an address or phone number for the person that sent it, some way for her to return it so that it could be forwarded to the rightful owner. She dragged the box into her living room so that it wasn't blocking the hallway and carefully sliced through the tape holding the box closed. Inside she found a sealed plastic bag. She used her box cutter to carefully slice the bag open. When she opened the bag she was hit with a powerful smell of leather and something else. She didn't recognize it immediately but it smelled like rubber. Inside were a number of smaller bags, some cardboard boxes and an envelope. She inspected some of the bags as she took them out of the box and placed them on the floor. Several of them contained a shiny black, oily looking material. She still had no idea what this was and decided to open the envelope next. Dear Customer 80085, As a long time and valued customer of Fetish Fantasy you have been selected for our user testing program. As a member of the testing program we will occasionally send you samples of our latest products to test. They are yours to keep, all we ask in return is your honest feedback. This will help us make better products in the future. We hope that you will enjoy testing our latest products as much as we do. We will chose items to send based on your purchasing history and your online store profile. Where appropriate we will custom tailor them to your personal measurements on file. Each shipment will include everything you need and come with detailed instructions for care and use. We are very excited about this testing program and you are one of a very select group of participants. Due to the nature of this program we ask that you do not post pictures or talk about the gear on social media. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to your feedback. Sincerely, The Fetish Fantasy Team At the bottom of the page was a URL that would take her to a special page for the product testers with more information. The rest of the packet had detailed instructions for the contents of the box. There were step by step instructions with pictures on how to set up and get use the gear. None of it made sense to Jenny. In fact she was slightly shocked, what kind of perverted person used to live in her house. She had never worn latex and had no interest in bondage. She put the papers down not knowing what to think. It looked like the previous owner was into some seriously kinky stuff and this was some kind of bondage setup for her to try out and comment on. For Jenny, sex on the kitchen table was getting wild. She had seen celebrities wearing latex and leather and was familiar with the Hollywood portrayal of bondage with leather and whips but this was so far beyond anything she had experienced. Why did people do this? What did they get out of it? She put everything back in the box and left it there. At least she now knew what it was and where it came from but alas still no phone number or contact information. It was getting late and Jenny was starting to get hungry. She made herself a simple meal using the limited food items and cookware that she had already unpacked. As she ate, she opened up her laptop and checked her e-mail and surfed the web. Then, just to see what turned up she searched for "Fetish Fantasy". Not surprisingly she got all kinds of results. None of which looked like the company that sent her the package. Then she remembered the envelope. She took her laptop into the living room and opened up the envelope again. She typed in the URL at the bottom of the page. A well designed web page came up with a box requesting her customer number. She clicked back to the Fetish Fantasy home page and did a little exploring. Fetish Fantasy sold a wide range of fetish and bondage gear from handcuffs and gags, to latex clothing, leather bondage gear including straitjackets and body bags, even bondage furniture for your dungeon. Jenny clicked around checking out some of the pictures. She went back to the page where she started and typed in the customer number at the top of the page and clicked the link. "Congratulations, you have been selected to participate in the Fetish Fantasy product testing program." Jenny continued to read. "We have sent you a prototype vertical full body leather bondage sack, women's version, with attachments and accessories. Everything you need is included. Please read the detailed instructions bellow on set up and use. Jenny quickly scrolled through the guide. She saw something resembling a leather sleeping bag suspended between two wooden posts. Then a woman wearing a shiny black catsuit got in. There were a lot of detail pictures of straps, buckles and lacing. Eventually there was a picture from a little further back. Jenny assumed this was the end result. The woman was suspended in the bag between the two posts, totally enclosed in the leather sleeping bag including her head which was under an intimidating hood with many straps. A few pages later Jenny stopped at another picture. The woman was still suspended between the two posts in the body bag but the hood had been removed. The woman's hair was matted down with sweat, her face was slightly red, her eyes were glazed over and there was a little drool coming out of the side of her mouth. Jenny thought to herself: "That woman looks like she just had her brains fucked out, barely coherent but in a total state of bliss" The image stuck in her mind. Jenny had had some great sex but this looked like something else. She tried to imagine how it might feel. She took her dirty dishes into the kitchen, washed them and left them to dry next to the sink. She put away the leftovers and went back to the bedroom where she had been unpacking. She took one look at the piles of boxes and turned around. She was tired and no longer interested in unpacking. Besides, she still had the picture on the woman in her mind and as much as she wanted nothing to do with latex and bondage there was a little voice in her head wondering what it was like. The woman in the instructions for the body bag sure looked like she was having a good time. She went back to the living room where the mysterious box remained, half its contents spread out on the floor. She picked up a medium sized plastic bag filled with shiny black material. "This must be the latex catsuit" thought Jenny. She played with the bag and the material inside. It felt soft. It was almost like a liquid, the way the material moved, light reflecting of the shiny surface. "I wonder what it feels like?" Jenny thought for a little while. She was alone in the house and she wasn't expecting any visitors. Why shouldn't she be curious and take a closer look at the catsuit maybe even try it on. She remembered the image of the woman from the instructions. What was she feeling. Jenny was starting to get curious. She carefully opened the bag and pulled out the bundle of shiny black latex. The material made a soft rustling sound as it unfolded into her lap. The material was thicker than she expected and unfolded on its own, not wanting to stay in its folded state. The material was cool to the touch and smooth. Jenny held the suit by the shoulders and held it up. It had attached feet and gloves and would completely cover the wearer all the way up to her neck. She wondered how you were supposed to put it on since there were no zippers anywhere on the suit. Then Jenny remembered something about "neck entry" from the instructions. She grabbed the neck of the suit and stretched it. It was far more elastic than she imagined. It might be possible to stretch it far enough to get it but it wouldn't be easy. Upon closer examination she found two sheaths in the crotch area. She was initially taken aback by this discovery. Were they meant to go inside the wearer? This suit was after all intended for a woman. The description said so, and the chest area was clearly tailored for someone with breasts. Jenny wondered what the sheath might feel like. It was thinner than the rest of the catsuit and it appeared to be textured on the inside with many small bumps. She stood up and held the catsuit up against her body. It looked roughly the right size, maybe a little small, but then again the latex had some stretch. Jenny had no idea how a latex catsuit was supposed to fit and she didn't know the measurements of the intended user. There was one more item in the bag. It was a hood. Jenny examined it. It had mouth and eye openings shaped to match a mouth and eyes and two small openings for the nostrils. Looking inside the hood she noticed that the nostril openings were actually short tubes that would go into the wearer's nose. Like the catsuit, it did not have a zipper. It would have to be stretched over the head. The collar on the hood would overlap with the neck on the catsuit. Together they would totally enclose the wearer in a layer of thick stretchy black latex rubber. She tried to imagine what that would look like, covered head to toe in gleaming black latex, light reflecting off the curves of her body. Wait! "Her body" Did she just think that. She put the hood and catsuit down and looked at them. Should she try them on? Could she? She thought about it for a few minutes. These clothes were not meant for her, then again, when would she have another opportunity like this. She couldn't imagine ordering something like this for herself, no way. But here it was, a shiny black latex catsuit with matching hood sitting on the couch next to here. Was she brave enough to try? What was stopping her. She got up and made sure the drapes were fully closed and that the doors were locked. She stripped down to her underwear and picked up the catsuit. She paused for a moment and thought about the sheaths. The underwear would have to go! She thought again. Was this a good idea...probably not...but by now was not the time to back out. She went back to the box and picked up the instructions. She quickly scanned them for relevant information. The instructions confirmed that the catsuit was neck entry and mentioned using lube to help get it on. She found the small bottle of lube in the box and started to apply it to her legs. When she got to her waist she stripped off her underwear and continued to apply lube to her waist and torso. She found herself getting slightly aroused as she spread the lube over her breasts. Satisfied that she had covered most of her body she picked up the catsuit. She slid one foot in through the neck opening and worked it down into the leg of the catsuit. It was tight and cold to the touch. The lube helped the thick latex slide over her skin but made the latex feel cold. Eventually she got her foot all the way to the end. Jenny took a minute to align her foot to the suit and work the bubbles out. The material started to warm. She continued to work the suit up her leg. When she got to her knee, she slid her other foot into the suit. She had to stretch the neck of the suit as she worked it up her legs. The thick material pinned her knees together. Jenny was amazed at how far it stretched without tearing. Eventually she had the neck of the suit around her waist. She took a minute to pull the legs all the way on, straightening it out as she went until the suit was snug against her crotch. The smooth material slid over her pussy lips. She could feel herself getting slightly wet. For now the two sheaths hung between her legs. She decided to get the rest of the suit on before dealing with the sheaths. Jenny carefully slid her fingers under the neck of the suit and continued to work it up her body. Once she had the suit over her breasts she carefully folded one arm into the suit and worked it down the sleeve. It took some effort to get her hand all the way to the end of the sleeve and into the glove. She made a mental note to use a little more lube for her other arm. Eventually she had both arms in the suit and the neck relaxed into place above her shoulders. She did some simple stretches to help the suit settle into place. She could feel the thick rubber squeeze her entire body uniformly. Her breasts were well supported by the latex. They had a nice natural bounce, unlike some sports bras she had worn, which just smashed them into her chest. She found another little surprise as she rubbed her nipples. The breast cups were lined with small rubber nubs. As she rubbed her breasts the rubber nubs provided stimulation making her nipples hard. The catsuit was warming up quickly, and she was also getting warm. She ran her latex covered fingers over her body, enjoying the smoothness of the material and the feeling of her fingers on her body. She walked over to a mirror and stared at her new body. It was like she had been dipped in black paint. Every square inch of her body was gloss black with a deep shine. She looked amazing, the tension in the latex also helped shape her body, giving her a slightly narrower waist, lifting her breasts and ass and making her arms and legs look toned and lean. She spun around then twisted and contorted her body to get a look from every angle. Excited by the results she decided to try on the hood. She went back to where she had been sitting and picked up the thick shiny black rubber hood. She held it up to her face and stuck her chin into the opening and inserted the tubes into her nostrils. It felt a little weird but not all that uncomfortable. Then using both hands she stretched the hood over her head. Her head popped into place and the hood was on. It took her a minute to straighten it out so that her eyes were correctly aligned with the openings and the two nostril tubes sat comfortably in he nose. The mouth opening was only slightly larger than her lips and the tension of the hood made them stick out giving her a pouty expression. She tucked the hood into the neck of the catsuit making sure there were no wrinkles. She looked at herself in the mirror again. She was amazed how different she looked with the hood. She didn't look completely human any more. Her smooth featureless head looked alien. She also noticed that the hood dampened out some of the ambient sound. The sound of her breathing and heartbeat became more noticeable. She was also getting horny. One of her hands slid down to her crotch and started to work the sheath into her sex. It slid in easily, lubricated by a combination of her juices and some sweat that was starting to build up inside the suit. Her other hand was gliding all over her new latex skin, rubbing her breasts and any other part that was in reach. The ribs on the sheath only made her more excited. She went back to her bedroom and flopped onto her bed. She reached over to her night stand and pulled out her trusty vibrator. She turned it on and ran it over her body enjoying the sensation through the tight rubber catsuit, eventually she made her way down to her crotch and circled a couple times before plunging it into the sheath that was buried deep in her sex. It didn't take long before she succumbed to the rapidly building pleasure and a thundering orgasm swept through her body causing her to scream and convulse on her bed. She continued to work the vibrator, her brain barely able to keep up with the onslaught of sensations coming from her sex and every other part of her body. She orgasmed several more times before being overcome by fatigue and falling asleep, the batteries in the vibrator depleted, as were her own energy reserves. Jenny woke up the early the next morning still wearing the catsuit and hood. She ran her latex covered hands over her body. The latex made a wonderful crackling sound, each pop sent a tiny jolt to her skin. Inside the suit however was a different story. The mix of sweat and lube that allowed the suit to slide easily over her skin the night before had dried and was now acting like glue sticking the suit to her skin. As much as she loved the look and feel of the suit it was time to take it off and have a shower. With some effort Jenny was able to peel the hood off. Her hair was matted and stuck to her head and there were marks on her face where the edges of the hood pressed against her skin. She started to peel off the catsuit off but didn't get far. The way it was stuck to her skin made it almost impossible to remove. She was sure she would tear it if she tried. Jenny went to her bathroom and turned on the shower. She stepped in still wearing the catsuit. The feeling of the water on the rubber was strange. She could feel the drops hit her skin but she was not getting wet. She watched in amazement for a minute as the water droplets ran off her latex covered body, enjoying the sensation of the water bouncing off her skin. She pulled the neck open and allowed some water the enter the suit. She felt it trickle down her body, this time inside the suit, eventually pooling in the attached socks. Fairly soon the catsuit was no longer stuck to her skin and she was able to start to peel the suit away. Once she had removed the suit she turned it inside out and cleaned it thoroughly. After washing her hair she stepped out of the shower and hung the catsuit up to dry. She wrapped herself in a large fluffy towel and combed her hair. She put on some comfortable clothes and went into the kitchen to make herself some breakfast. She planned to spend most of the day unpacking however as she ate her breakfast she couldn't help thinking about the catsuit and how great it felt, not to mention the mind blowing orgasms she had the night before. Then the image of the woman from the instructions sprang into her mind. Jenny now had a taste of how she might have been feeling. A glimpse into how it felt to have your mind turned to jelly from an intense sexual experience. This taste had wetted her appetite and she was wanting more. Her apprehension and fear from the night before was gone, a voice in the back of her mind was encouraging her to take it all the way and try the full suit. After breakfast Jenny went back to the box in the living room to inspect the rest of the contents of the box. She pulled the leather bondage sack out of the box and laid it on the floor. It was surprisingly heavy and was covered in a complicated array of straps and buckles. It wasn't clear how you would get into it or what all the straps and buckles did. The bottom half of the suit consisted of a tapered tube of thick leather that would squeeze the wearer's legs together. It terminated in a foot pocket that would fit snugly around the wearer's feet holding them with the toes pointed straight down. Lacing extended from the ankles all the way up to the waist that would draw the suit tight around the legs. A single shiny chrome ring was sown into the suit at the tip of the foot pocket. Additional rings were attached to the sides of the suit at the ankles, knees and at the top of the thighs. Thick leather straps connecting the metal rings were sown into the suit to reinforce the anchor points and spread the load. Above the waist the suit consisted of a stiff leather corset with a line of buckles up the front and laces in the back. Jenny could feel a number of flat steel bars sewn into the corset. It had an hourglass shape, narrow at the waist and flared out above and below. The corset extended from just below the breasts all the way down over the hips. More metal rings were sewn to the top and bottom of the sides of the corset. Above the corset were two thick rigid rubber breast cups that reminded her of toilet plungers, held in place with a web of leather straps. The straps extended up from the top of the corset to a heavy rubber neck brace. It was similar to the type of neck brace used by doctors when someone has whiplash but on steroids. The bottom flared out covering the shoulders and extending down to the upper chest and back. It also extended up over the chin, up to just below the ears and wrapped around the back of the head. It was split into front and back halves linked together with multiple straps on each side. The sleeves were also made of thick leather. At the ends were thumbless mittens that would totally enclose the wearers hands. Zippers on the mittens would allow the wearer to use her hands until they were zipped up. More steel rings were sewn into the shoulders, elbows and tips of the mittens. Finally Jenny got to the hood, also made of thick leather with lacing down the back. The mouth and nose was covered by a black rubber mask similar to the ones fighter pilots wear, held in place by a number of straps that were anchored to buckles on the hood. A thick padded blindfold covered the eyes, also secured with buckles sewn into the hood. A final shiny chrome metal ring was attached to the top of the hood. It was a lot to take in. The suit had dozens of straps, buckles and zippers. Jenny was simultaneously excited and intimidated. She sat back and tried to wrap her head around it all. She picked up the instructions and flipped to the page that described how to set up the leather body binder. The instructions showed the binder suspended between two post using eyebolts. It looked familiar, then Jenny remembered the basement. She went downstairs and compared the instructions to the oddly positioned posts. They matched, clearly the previous owner was expecting this package and had already started preparing. Jenny looked at the instructions. At that point she realized she had almost everything she needed to try the suit. All she would need are some short pieces of chain and a number of shackles. She bit her lip and thought about it. Could she? Would she? She found herself getting wet with anticipation. Her body was betraying her mind. Her mind was saying no but her body was saying yes. She had to try it. Without too much more thought she went back upstairs grabbed her keys and headed to the hardware store. Her animal desire for sexual stimulation was overpowering the rational side of her brain. The idea of bondage was no longer shocking, she was craving the thrill. Just like wearing the catsuit last night only much more powerful. Half an hour later she was back at home with a length of chain, a pile of shackles and a set of bolt cutters. The man at the register looked at her strangely but did not ask any questions. Jenny wasn't sure what she would have said if he had asked what this was for, but it didn't matter, she was home now. She took the body bag down into the basement and started to hang it up. She used the bolt cutters to cut off a short piece of chain, attached one end to the shiny chrome metal ring on top of the hood with a shackle and then used another shackle to attach the chain to the ceiling eyebolt. The bottom of the body bag hung about 12 inches off the floor. She then proceeded to work her way down, attaching chains to the metal rings at the shoulders, top and bottom of the corset, top of the thighs, knees and ankles. The last piece of chain went from the floor to the metal ring attached to the tip of the foot pocket. She stepped back to admire her work. The leather body bag was suspended vertically between the posts. There was only a little slack in the chains. Once she was in the suit she would barely be able to move. Jenny went back upstairs to get ready. She went to the bathroom and retrieved the catsuit. She then went to the living room and picked up the bottle of lube before going to her bedroom and stripping down. She repeated the process of getting into the catsuit from the night before. She applied a thin coating of lube then squeezed herself into the neck entry catsuit. As she was putting it on she made sure to apply some lube to her ass, she had a feeling that both sheaths would be needed and she wanted to make it as easy as possible. Her pussy on the other hand didn't require any additional lube. She tucked her hair into the catsuit and put the hood on, carefully tucking the collar inside the neck of the catsuit. It felt just as good as it had last night. She admired her shiny black body in the mirror, turning around to catch every sexy angle. After a minute she was able to pull herself away from the mirror and return to the basement. She scanned the instructions one more time before approaching the lifeless leather suit suspended between the two sturdy wooden posts. She started by unbuckling the straps on the front of the corset. Under those she found a busk and beneath that there was a zipper. She also undid the buckles holding the neck brace together and some of the buckles linking it to the top of the corset. Finally she undid one side of the blindfold and enough buckles to remove the mask covering the mouth and nose. At this point she discovered her first surprise. Attached to the inside of the mask was a complicated looking gag. The center of the gag was shaped like a dildo around the sides was a molded rubber piece that looked like a boxer's mouth guard, with channels for her teeth. Just by looking at it she could tell it would completely fill her mouth and that the dildo would reach deep into her throat. She started to get nervous. What other surprises was she about to discover. She pried the front of the suit open, revealing an interior fully lined in dark read leather. Jenny didn't know much about bondage gear but she could tell the craftsmanship was excellent. All the seams were uniform and straight. Someone had spent a lot of time making this suit, it must have cost a fortune. When she looked down she found herself staring at two significant dildos, standing erect. The front one slightly larger than the rear one. They were positioned on a thick leather strap that ran from the front to the back of the suit. Once in the suit she would be well and truly impaled on these intruders. Jenny was glad she thought to take a little extra time to lube her ass while putting on the catsuit. Looking deeper into the suit Jenny could see that the leg portion was not just a single tube of leather but it included a padded divider that would separate her legs. The divider was attached to the crotch strap that held the dildos and extended as far as she could see down into the suit. Facing the suit, Jenny reached up and grabbed the shoulder chains. She took a deep breath and hoisted herself up. She lifted her right leg up and slid it into the suit. She then did a half twist and pulled her left leg up high and slid it into the suit. Slowly she sank into the suit. First her calves, then her knees and eventually her thighs. All the time the leather creaked as she lowered herself into the bottom half of the suit. Just as her hips made it into the suit she stopped. She could feel the front dildo brushing the inside of her upper thighs. She knew the anal dildo was not far behind. She wiggled a bit and sank a little further. The tip of the dildo made contact with her pussy lips. She brought one hand down to help guide the dildo. She sank a little further. She could now feel the anal dildo at her backside. She wiggled a little more. The tip of vaginal dildo was now in her pussy and the anal dildo was pressing against her sphincter. She tried to relax as she slowly sank into the suit. At some point her hips made it past the constriction and she dropped the last inch or two into the suit. She let out a yelp as both dildos were shoved home. Her toes were now stuffed into the end of the foot pocket. She felt a strap running under her heels supporting her feet. Jenny welcomed this feature as it would prevent her feet and toes from getting smashed into the tip of the foot pocket. It did not however relive the pressure on her crotch. The leather strap with the dildos was taking a portion of her weight. Both dildos were deeply lodged in her and there was little she could do to alleviate that. She reached down and grabbed the end of the laces that ran down the front of her legs. She pulled until the leg portion of the suit was nice and tight. The two edges of the leather almost touching. She didn't need to pull them this tightly but she was getting into it and wanted the full experience, so she did. The laces didn't just pull the two sides together, there must have been some additional eyelets because she could feel the material behind her legs getting sucked in between her legs, compressing each leg individually as well as squeezing them together. Already Jenny understood the reason for the pad between her legs. Without it pressure points at the knees and ankles would quickly become very painful. She tied off the laces and tucked the lose end into a conveniently located pocket. She wiggled her hips and tried to move her legs. The leather creaked loudly but didn't give. There was barely any movement except for the dildos stuffed deep inside her. As she struggled they appeared to move in the opposite direction. It made for an interesting sensation. It wasn't like a vibrator that buzzed more like a slow thrusting motion. Jenny didn't understand how it worked but it felt good. She twisted her hips around, enjoying the stimulation from the dildo and listening to the leather creak. She tried pushing on the outside of the suit to manipulate the dildo but the leather was too thick and her legs were compressed too tightly to have any effect. She was brought back to reality by a sharp pain at her side. The busk for the corset was digging into her side. Jenny reached behind her as she straightened up and fed her arms into the sleeves of the leather suit. It wasn't easy since the leather was thick and stiff and the chains holding up the suit had very little slack. Eventually her hands popped out of the ends of the sleeves through the open zippers at the wrists. At the same time the torso of the suit wrapped around her engulfing her body like some giant mouth. She reached up above her head and pulled the hood over her rubber covered head and face. The hood was comfortable, made of slightly thinner leather than the rest of the suit. It conformed to her face easily. Wide eye openings made it easy to see and large opening covering her nose and mouth did not restrict her breathing in any way. Jenny froze for a second, she thought someone else was in the room. In reality it was her reflection in a full height mirror on the opposite wall that she hadn't noticed before. Initially she did not recognize herself. She looked alien, suspended in space, wrapped in latex and leather. She stared at herself for a minute. Her mind was asking how she got herself into this situation, her body wanted to twist and wiggle against the bonds and enjoy the stimulation from the dildo lodged deep in her sex. At least the mirror would help her complete the process of getting into the suit. With her head in the hood she could no longer look down to see what she was doing. She reached down and grabbed the zipper on the front of the suit and started to pull it up. She could feel the leather tighten around her body. When she got to her chest she stopped for a minute. She could feel something on the inside of the rubber breast cups. She grabbed the outside of the suit and pushed the breast cup against her chest as she moved it around. She found what felt like the cup but it was too small. She pushed a little more and her breast popped into the cup. She could feel constriction around the base of her breast like someone had put a wide elastic band around the base of her breast. It wasn't painful but it held her breast firmly. She could feel the nubs on the inside of the catsuit massaging her nipple. She thought she felt more fingers inside the breast cup brushing her erect nipple that was suspended in space by rubber band that was wrapped around the base of her breast. She repeated the process on the other side, enjoying the feeling of her breast squeezing through the opening. There were definitely fingers or something inside the breast cups. As she moved she could feel them brush her nipples as her breasts wiggled in their rubber tubes. Jenny pulled the zipper the rest of the way up. Her whole body was now constrained. The only thing she could move were her arms. She tested her bonds and was only able to move the slightest amount however as she squirmed she could feel the dildos and breast cup fingers work their magic. She was getting hot both physically and sexually. A layer of sweat was building up inside the catsuit and she stared to breath more heavily. She paused for a minute and looked at herself in the mirror. She wasn't done yet, the corset was wide open, and the neck brace, gag and blindfold were dangling to the side. She reached down and fastened the busk on the corset. It took a couple tries but eventually the two pieces were locked together. She grabbed the lowest strap and tried to buckle on the corset. There was no way it was going to go together. She pulled as hard as she could but it wasn't going to work. It was at least a couple inches too short. Then she remembered the lacing on the back of the corset. She reached behind and felt for the laces. There was a wide gap between the ends of the corset. She realized she was going to have to tighten the corset in order to buckle the straps that ran down the front of the corset. She found the loops about half way down the corset and started to pull. It went easily at first. The corset started to constrict around her torso. It felt good, like a gentle squeeze over her mid-section holding her firm. She could see her waist get smaller in the mirror giving her a more feminine silhouette. She liked it and it made her feel good. She checked the strap. Still not close. She continued to pull the laces. It got harder and the corset started to really compress her waist. It was starting to get painful, but judging by the straps she still had a way to go. She stopped for a moment to get used to the crushing pressure of the corset. She could feel her insides being smashed by the corset. The dildos in her ass and vagina felt like they had grown, her chest was heaving up and down with each breath. Her breasts were pushed slightly further into the rubber breast cups. Her nipples were now firmly in contact with the fingers inside. She wiggled her body to try and help the corset find a more comfortable position. It didn't provide much relief but she did get surge of pleasure form her crotch and breasts which momentarily distracted her from the pain of the corset. She reached back for the laces once again and started pulling agin. Over the next few minutes she slowly worked the corset closed. Finally she could feel the two sides of the corset almost touching. Her waist looked impossibly small in the mirror and she felt like she was being cut in half and she could only take shallow breaths. She tied off the laces and tucked them away. She was now just able to buckle the straps up the front of the corset. Her torso was now completely rigid. The little motion she had before was now further reduced. Next, she reached up behind her head and found the laces for the hood. Quickly she pulled them snug and tied them off. The hood was now tight around her head. After that she pulled the front and back halves of the neck brace into place. The tall brace fit snugly around her neck, forcing her chin up slightly. She threaded the buckles on the side of the brace and pulled them tight. She could feel her head lift slightly putting just a little tension on her neck. Her head was now rigidly connected to her body. She could not turn or tilt it in any direction. She then fastened the straps that linked the neck brace to the top of the corset pulling it down onto her shoulders locking it into place. She was almost done. Now came the part she feared the most. She lifted the mask with attached gag up to her face. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and slowly inserted the dildo gag. She could feel the dildo slide deep into her mouth. It was enormous. She wasn't sure she could take it all. Just as she was about to gag she felt the mouth guard part of the gag at her lips. Almost there. She paused for a second, tried to relax then pushed the gag home. She coughed and spat the gag out. She tried again, slowly easing the long rubber gag into her mouth. She felt her gag reflex coming but resisted. She pushed it a little further. Finally her teeth settled into the grooves in the mouth guard and her lips were able to relax slightly. The tip of the dildo was right at the back of her throat. She had to concentrate on staying calm and suppressing her gag reflex. She tucked the bottom of the mask into the chin of the neck brace and waited a minute to make sure she wasn't going to choke on the enormous gag. The good news was that the dildo gag had a hollow center so she was still able to breath easily, well as easily as the corset and the rest of the bondage suit would allow. She fastened the buckles for the mask except of the one going straight up over her nose which would have to wait for the blindfold. She started to notice a theme with this suit. Most of the straps had only hole, and they were all very tight. Jenny didn't have an option to select a looser setting. The mask was no exception. The straps pulled it firmly against her face and there was no way for her to spit it out or make it loser. She inspected herself in the mirror one last time, making sure there were no lose straps or buckles that remained undone. Satisfied she pulled the blindfold over her eyes and secured the strap. She then threaded the last strap from the mask through a loop over her nose on the blindfold and into the buckle on her forehead. With the loss of sight she could feel her other senses become more alive. She noticed the smell of the leather and the taste of rubber from the gag stuffed in her mouth. Her hearing was somewhat muffled by the hood but she could still hear the suit creak as she fought against the suit. She could feel the pressure from the suit all over her body, unyielding even against her strongest efforts. All that was left was to secure her arms. Fortunately she had read this portion of the instructions. She tucked her hands into the pockets at the end of each sleeve and pulled the zippers closed. Her hands were now trapped inside the fingerless gloves. She fed her hands, one from each side through a loop attached to the front of the corset, then reached around the side of the corset, and up under her armpits. She felt around on the side of the corset for the receptacle that would trap the metal button on the end of each sleeve. She wrapped her arms as tightly as she could around her body. She was just able to reach the receptacles and feed the metal buttons into the slots. She relaxed her arms and the button was pulled past a detent, locking it into place. She could disengage the button by pushing it out back the direction it came in. The detent was spring loaded and would release if she pushed with enough force, however that would take a concerted effort to wrap her arms tightly around her body again. Jenny felt a surge of excitement run through her body as the snaps clicked into place. Her arms were now restrained like she was in a straitjacket and she could barely move them. She wiggled her body as much as she could, testing the limits of her mobility. She didn't have much and all she really managed to do was get out of breath. As she was testing the limits of her mobility she did discover some movements that wiggled the dildo lodged deep in her pussy just the right way and moved her breasts past the fingers in a stimulating way. She focused on those motions and repeated them. She was getting hot and she could feel the sexual build up. Jenny worked at it but could not get to the point of liftoff. She paused for a second to catch her breath then started again. Adjusting her movements to maximize the effect but no matter how hard or long she tried she never quite got there. She felt she was close, a quick buzz with a vibrator would have sent her over the edge. She kept trying, thinking, no believing that she would be able to get there and enjoy that sweet release. Across town Eva checked the tracking information again. Her package had been delivered but it wasn't at her house. She checked outside her front door again, nothing! She had been waiting for this delivery since she got the notice about the Fetish Fantasy testing program and was running out of patience. She couldn't wait to test their new heavy leather bondage sack. She was about to call Fetish Fantasy and give them a piece of her mind when it struck her. The package had probably been delivered to her old house. She grabbed her keys and jumped in her car. Five minutes later she was outside her old house. There was no package on the doorstep but somehow she had a feeling it was there. Where else could it be? It wasn't clear from the outside if anyone had moved in yet. The blinds were closed and no lights were on. She got out of her car and walked up to the front door. It was locked. Believing the house was still empty she used her old front door key to let herself in. Immediately, she realized that someone was there and by the looks of things in the process of moving in. Eva was about to leave when she spotted the open box in the living room. That was her package, but it was empty! Eva wondered if this person had figured out that the basement was a dungeon and it was ready for the bondage sack. Quietly she made her way downstairs to the dungeon. Before she was halfway there, her suspicion was confirmed. She could hear leather creaking and the jingle of chains. Eva was furious, who did this person think she was! It was bad enough that this person had opened her very personal package, but to then set up and use the gear, that was way out of line. At the same time Eva was intrigued. Most normal people would stop once they saw what was in the box, if they even opened it. This person had rigged up the bondage sack and put herself in it. Maybe Eva was about to meet a new partner for bondage games. Eva got to the bottom of the stairs and very carefully cracked open the door. She could see the suit, with someone in it, suspended between the posts as intended. The person was bucking wildly, straining against the bonds. Eva could hear the leather creak, the chains rattle and ragged breathing coming from the suit. Whoever was in the suit looked like she was having the ride of her life. Eva tried to imagine what it would feel like, the latex, the leather, the straps and the gag, not to mention the toys that she had read about in the description of the suit. Despite her best efforts and getting herself quite excited in the process she was fairly sure that her imagination did not do it justice. Eva moved into the room quietly. Carefully examining the suit as she went. Whoever was in the suit had been thorough. As far as she could tell, all the the pieces were in place with the straps properly buckled and the lacing done up tight. She was impressed. The user however, had made one critical mistake, she had forgotten to attach the power cord! Eva then realized that the moaning and groaning was not pleasure but rather frustration and all the wild gyrations were a vain attempt to reach a climax. She knew this because she had been in touch with the designers of the bondage bag and had discussed how it would work in great detail. It was designed so that without power the person in the suit would not be able to climax. This made play more interesting. A mistress could torment her slave. Alternatively for solo play a timer could be used to make it more interesting. Eva quickly and quietly went back upstairs to get the power adapter for the suit. She found it in the bottom of the box. Clearly this person had not thoroughly read the instructions. Eva returned to the dungeon. Jenny was starting to get frustrated. No matter how she wiggled and squirmed inside the bondage bag. She wondered if she was missing something, and she certainly wasn't experiencing the type of stimulation that would put her in the same state of bliss at the woman from the instructions. She was getting tired and her body was beginning to ache from the crushing pressure of the corset and other restraints. Might be time to get out of this, she thought. Eva approached the person in the suit. She reached up and quickly removed the blindfold. Jenny froze for an instant then started screaming and thrashing wildly desperately trying to get out of the suit. It was hopeless, the suit was far too strong and well designed. Her hands were locked in and while the restraints were designed for solo use she was only going to get out if she was calm and deliberate. In her current state, there was no chance. Eva stood back for a second and waited for Jenny to calm down and stop screaming. Eva started, "Now listen, I don't know who you think you are, but you are in my bondage suit that I have been looking forward to trying for several months and I am furious. I hope you are enjoying yourself because you are going to pay for this and I will be sure to make it long and painful. Having said that I'm impressed that you were brave or foolish enough to try this equipment and I must give you credit to doing a thorough job of lacing it up and tightening all the buckles. You must either be into the scene or very curious. Either way you are going to pay... The thing is you missed one thing." Eva held up the power cord for the suit. "You for got this... I'm guessing at this point you are feeling very frustrated, since the suit is designed to tease but not allow release without the added stimulation from the powered toys. Not to worry you will soon find out what I mean. So while I go devise a suitable punishment I will let you have the full experience with the toys turned on." Eva replaced the blindfold and double checked all the straps. Jenny hung there for a moment while this sunk in. The information about the power cord explained why she was not getting any satisfaction however that thought was short lived as her attention turned to the stranger in her house, who was clearly upset about what she had done and intended to punish her. Jenny started to wonder what that might mean. Visions of whips and chains came to mind. What other punishments did slaves face in bondage dungeons. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by powerful vibrations in her crotch and the dildo burst into action. She felt additional stimulation on her breasts, the fingers brushing back and forth over her nipples. She even felt the occasional burst from the anal dildo. It didn't take long for her to reach her first climax. The toys kept going without mercy. Soon after, she had her next climax and then another and another. Coherent thought slipped away as waves of pleasure swept through her body. The punishment and the angry stranger would have to wait...